IU Timmy Glow Run 2017

By IU Timmy Global Health (other events)

Thursday, April 13 2017 7:30 PM 10:00 PM EDT

Join us for the 5th annual Glow Run sponsored by Timmy Global Health at Indiana University. Our 1 mile course through campus is easy enough for any runner to handle. If you need more convincing, we'll have tons of glow paint to make you look less sweaty, BOGO Chipotle and free food from local restaurants at the finish line to reward yourself for exercising, and cover to Brothers Bar and Grill* because, honestly, you've earned it. You'll also get this year's t-shirt.

Event check-in opens at 7:30PM, and a Cardio Hiphop warm-up with a live DJ will begin at 8:30PM. We start running at 9PM, and the event ends when the last runner crosses the finish line and IUPD reopens the streets. 

We know we had you at free food, so register right now! You'll forget if you put if off.

*Cover to Brothers Bar and Grill included only for those participants who will be 21 years of age or older on April 13, 2017.



We want everyone to have a good time at the Glow Run! As a participant, have as much fun with our paint and blacklights as you can, but please do not splash or shoot paint at our photographers, DJ, event staff, or any campus structures. Please shower before going to Brother's Bar and Grill. Sure, glowing in the dark will get the bartenders attention quickly, but you'll make a mess.